Thursday, February 25, 2010

Africa - Pollution

People think Africa is very unpopulated, but the truth is, it is completely opposite. With is expand urban population comes and increase is air and waste pollution. The main causes of air pollution are household use of wood and charcoal. Water pollution is another big problem in Africa. African governments accept solid waste from various area throughout the world such as the United States, the European Union, and Japan. Clean and purified water is also scarce in Africa. The water is polluted by human waste where a variety of diseases such as typhoid, cholera, and diarrhea come from contaminated water. These diseases are treatable and are the cause of infant mortality rates being so high in Africa.

All of these problems leave Africa sitting in fire, because so little is being done it is up to people around the world to notice what Africa has to offer and what it is about to lose.

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